Kamis, 27 Agustus 2015

Gym with Ily

Me and Ily went to gym two days before, she was amazing, she burnt almost 300 calories and the condition is still as well as before she started to gym. Before we reach the gym, we had gone to bugis street to spend time on foot. We got lost hahahahaha but I enjoy it so much, I finally hangout with a real friend beside with my roommate. But I also enjoyed my time with Jessica everyday, like a sister to me. I ate 3 times burger king this week. I ate it alone, then with Ily and then Jessica. My best times in SG are spent with them. Love you guys.

Selasa, 25 Agustus 2015

My adaptation

I was quite under pressure after these day passed in SG. I was lonely at the first time at moments that my roommate, Jessica could not manage to come back due to some occassion. But, I am getting used of it now. I have been making friends through assignment progress, such as Ily (my current bestfriends, and I hope we will be bestfriends forever), Amanda (the chinese girl, she is very tall like model), Jeremy (in my roommate's perspective, he is plain, but to me his smile is sweet, his eyes are quite intimidating in positive ways, i like it, and he also very polite to seniors), Beth (also a chinese girl, she is very hardworking, friendly, and very nice to everyone, reminds me of my previous principle). But I didn't mean that I completely forgot about Abois girl in Batam. Sometimes, when I feel lonely, I chat them in line group chat, and sometimes I make a call to Xena (she is funny and hillarious), she is my favorite in Abois girl, but others are adorable as well), maybe its my inner perspective that Xena is the one I can call because she seems not very busy like any other else. I hope she could manage to study in university one day.

Selasa, 04 Agustus 2015

Yu Ara {Ily}-Second Day in ERCi

I made a Korean friend today... Her name is Yu Ara (Ily). She is my first friend I've ever made in ERCi, exclude Jessica cause she is my roommate and junior high friend already, hahahahaa. Ily loves healthy lifestyle. She loves healthy food, she loves to work out, she loves uwongiii (her dog in Korea) like I love Polo, and she loves her family and boyfriend as well. If I'm not wrong her boyfriend named Andrew, it's a student from Kaplan. Her boyfriend is a genius and hardworker. Nice, Ily!! She is really nice to me, she has her own self-esteem and her own way of life, and honest. She is beautiful without any surgeries under her skin, what an innate beauty...even it's a vice versa, it's okay for me, I will accept her as she is. I don't know, somehow, I just feel so comfortable and connected with her, it's thensame feeling with my other close friends. I feel like I could do anything to make her happy. In fact we are like sisters or something. She is 1995's girl. Yesterday, I talked with a Chinese girl, her name is Amanda, but we haven't conform yet our relationship hahahaha Ily is nice, I love her soooooooooo much...

First day in ERCi (04/08/2015)

So, yesterday, was the first day in my institute, and not university. hahaha I was very nervous, very nervous, I can't imagine I live in Singapore. The vicinities are so strange and new for me. I felt that way for the first time. I rewrite the material that day until 01.00 a.m.

Minggu, 02 Agustus 2015

I moved to SG today!!!

According to the title, Correct! I moved to SG today.. It was quite exciting because I never really live in other country in my entire life. So, this is the first time, and, my mother's coming and living with me and my roommate, Jessica for several days, until I get used by this SG's lifestyle, and etc. Good. Uhm, actually I miss my father, brother, and Polo (my cat), but, I have to endure it, I have to learn how to be a self-sufficient person. God, please protect my family in Batam. And I hope You will always be with us. And these are my roommate's pictures and her boyfriend's pictures