Selasa, 04 Agustus 2015

Yu Ara {Ily}-Second Day in ERCi

I made a Korean friend today... Her name is Yu Ara (Ily). She is my first friend I've ever made in ERCi, exclude Jessica cause she is my roommate and junior high friend already, hahahahaa. Ily loves healthy lifestyle. She loves healthy food, she loves to work out, she loves uwongiii (her dog in Korea) like I love Polo, and she loves her family and boyfriend as well. If I'm not wrong her boyfriend named Andrew, it's a student from Kaplan. Her boyfriend is a genius and hardworker. Nice, Ily!! She is really nice to me, she has her own self-esteem and her own way of life, and honest. She is beautiful without any surgeries under her skin, what an innate beauty...even it's a vice versa, it's okay for me, I will accept her as she is. I don't know, somehow, I just feel so comfortable and connected with her, it's thensame feeling with my other close friends. I feel like I could do anything to make her happy. In fact we are like sisters or something. She is 1995's girl. Yesterday, I talked with a Chinese girl, her name is Amanda, but we haven't conform yet our relationship hahahaha Ily is nice, I love her soooooooooo much...

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