Sabtu, 14 Mei 2016

Reality is such harsh

Survey questions had done, same goes to printing. I never thought it was a terrible ideas. I was so carelles. I should have ask Mr. Randahl first. I supposed to tell them immediately right after Mr. Randahl annouce, that we should not print first, cuz he hasn't send it to the manager yet. what done has done, we had a serious argument in group chat last night. It was furious and crazy。 Im at really terrible position... ahhh so this is being a leadee. A burden on your shoulder you should weight on. Fuck, I felt horrible. One of my members struggled to make those printing cheap and quick. In the other hand, I...... How come I was so careless..... am I too selfish. No matter how much I changed, when it comes to thing like this, I just keep going back again. Im sorry, Sir, my group, anything happen in the amendments, I will take responsible by myself, I couldnt drag them back. I am the parasite right now. I will be ready for suffering. I will Fuck back ..... Go, Lady Rose! Bring back that Bitch over. P. s. Last night's bbq was tasty, I met Olivia's old buddies last night. The person who were high beside me that surprisingly named Nicholas is so fucking handsome as Eddie hahahahahaaaaha... stupid fantasy 😂😂😂😂 and I regretted to go back early, Fuck! Should've stay

Selasa, 03 Mei 2016

Brigitta Olivia Winatra Tan

Olivia and me just got close recently. We were never be this close before 😂😂. I'd never talked to her untill this semester. Because Ily is not going in the same class as me. So, now is the chance to explore finding new friends. Olivia is a fashionable and pretty, cute, fair skin, like a Japanese anime cosplay, or something like that....p. s she loves to curse hahahaha I didn't like her for the first time we met, because I think she is too far from my reach and I was kinda jealous with her because she got everything I don't have. But, then, I found out that she has the same interest with me, she loves everything in Japanese, anime, cosplay, and she made a lot of anime fanart too,JUST EVERYTHING!!!!!!! And I was like, damn,,,, and she loves kpop too, she loves infinite, and One Ok Rock for JRockI should be close to her before and talk more to her, and we did! Yay!!!! Finally, I got someone to talk to. Actually, everybody including aware that she comes from a wealthy family. So, she could afford everything she need. I used to be jealous because of that too, honestly. I mean like, who will never envy with a girl blessed by beauty, positive and straightforward as cute as that personality, independent, and rich girl. If you ask me did I want to be friend with her because of those things? Honestly, yes. However, it's just half correct. If I wanted to be friend because of wealth, my purpose will be.... I want to know how do rich people think? How are their perspective, and how do they feel when facing certain occurrence and problems. That's it, I never be friends with longing material merits. I am not that kind of person. If I do that, that's not me, that's so lowlife and cowardly. Just a simple reminder, once I decided to whom I'm going to be friend with, I will love them with as much loves I could give, I will cherish them. She went to Japan with Laras a few weeks ago. Wow!!! And I was so touched when she brought a souvenir for me. It was a gudetama keychain. I feel happy not because she gave me thing. But because “she remembers me, she thought about me, she didn't forget about me” I am so glad!!!!!! Even my other friends never really did that to me. But, yeah, even though we are still new friends relationship, she never forget me. Honestly, I'm not really a big fan of gudetama, but when she gave me. I don't care and give a damn whether I like it or not, I appreciate it and cherish it. It becomes a special item for me now. Even that I could buy gudetama thing by myself, but, it's different, it's from Olivia, my crazy otaku anime lovers friend.... i love her I went to Cocoa Colony with her last time andnit was a great experience. We talked A LOT and I fucking enjoyed it. We talked about anime, family life, family problems, Betrayal squad friends, complaints, everything. We also talked about ourselves and each other. I want to know everything about her, so I keep asking her do you like this, do you like that. She responded me quickly and didn't let me stop talking, i love that, unlike some of my friends that are only want to speak to me for a while and when we done, it's the end and makes me feel awkward. Just like Ily, when I with Olivia, I always want to smile, I feel a little bit warmth and glad in my heart. They makes me wanna protect them and make them happy. I found out that Olivia is a very considerate person, she cares deeply with her friends, she always there helping people. I like her that way, man. I learnt many things from her and about her. I love when she remarks me and judge me and gave me advices. Because not much people know that I actually need to be judged and say it straightforwardly like that. I admire her so much, after knowing her true personalities, and after learning that she actually had struggled once in the past and managed to get over it, and many more. I love you, Olivia. I hope you know that hahahahaha.

Vania Lysandra Oktaviani

Vania is my friend, we were close since Junior High, and now she is studying at Surabaya. So, I never waver or hesitate to talk everything to her. Whenever I have problems that I couldn't talk to anyone, she is the one I will find. Vania loves avlot of Hollywood stars especially, Greyson Chance. Also 5SOS, we used to love Big Time Rush, she loves Kendall, I love James Maslow, and many more. She also a big fan of Harry Potter, Hunger Games, ".......olympus" i forgot and many awesome Greek myths novels too. Vania had always been sending me a lot of email chats through line about the story of the God of Greek and its varieties, such as demigods, and all the books she had read, it was quite annoying at once but somehow it kept me away from loneliness and keep my heart warm. It just someway, I felt like I am still treasureed and important to somebody.... I love her. She is considerate enough for a friend, she is the type who never leave you alone once yoy got caught in loneliness She is the silence typed of girl, but once you know her...... things gonna be different from here hahaahahah. However, no matter how quiet she is, she is a pro of keeping secret, that's my girl. So, I'm still learning that from her.....