Sabtu, 14 Mei 2016

Reality is such harsh

Survey questions had done, same goes to printing. I never thought it was a terrible ideas. I was so carelles. I should have ask Mr. Randahl first. I supposed to tell them immediately right after Mr. Randahl annouce, that we should not print first, cuz he hasn't send it to the manager yet. what done has done, we had a serious argument in group chat last night. It was furious and crazy。 Im at really terrible position... ahhh so this is being a leadee. A burden on your shoulder you should weight on. Fuck, I felt horrible. One of my members struggled to make those printing cheap and quick. In the other hand, I...... How come I was so careless..... am I too selfish. No matter how much I changed, when it comes to thing like this, I just keep going back again. Im sorry, Sir, my group, anything happen in the amendments, I will take responsible by myself, I couldnt drag them back. I am the parasite right now. I will be ready for suffering. I will Fuck back ..... Go, Lady Rose! Bring back that Bitch over. P. s. Last night's bbq was tasty, I met Olivia's old buddies last night. The person who were high beside me that surprisingly named Nicholas is so fucking handsome as Eddie hahahahahaaaaha... stupid fantasy 😂😂😂😂 and I regretted to go back early, Fuck! Should've stay

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